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Pour Over Coffee Brewing: 4:6 Method by Tetsu Kasuya

4:6 Method Video

What is a pour over coffee?

Pour over coffee brewing is a simple method in which you pour the hot water over and through the coffee grounds. You don’t have to use fancy tools, only a pour over coffee maker, a coffee filter, scale, timer, and of course, a grinder.

Pour over coffee vs drip coffee?

Pour over coffee is a manual and longer brewing method where you control the flow of water through the coffee grounds while drip coffee brews the coffee for you automatically.

Now that we have the basics out of the way, let’s try experimenting ways to use pour over coffee maker. Yes, there are numerous pour over methods.

4:6 Pour Over Method by Tetsu Kasuya

In the 4:6 method, you can adjust the taste by diving the water into a 40:60 ratio. The first 40% of water adjusts the sweetness and acidity. While coffee strength for 60% of water.

Before we begin, here’s what you need.

Coffee grind type:
Coarse coffee grounds. Similar to the French Press method.

Volume of water:
(3 times as much water as the grounds x 5 pours)
If you have 15g of coffee, your formula is (15 x 3) x 5. The result is 225. So you need 225ml total of water for 15g of coffee.

4:6 Method Water Volume Formula

The time between pours:
45 seconds

Part 1 (40% of Water): Adjusting the balance of sweetness and acidity of the coffee.

For a sweeter taste, pour a little smaller water on the first pour and add the leftover on the second pour.

4:6 Method Targeting Sweetness

For more acidity, pour more water on the first pour.

4:6 Method Targeting Acidity

Part 2 (60% of Water): Adjusting the strength of coffee.

If the coffee is too strong, divide the pour into two.

4:6 Method for Lower Strength

For higher strength, do 4 pours.

4:6 Method for Higher Strength

Watch the action below:

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