Vacuum: Siphon

Siphon Brewing Method

This method started in mid-1800s by a housewife and an engineer. Unexpectedly, they were not related at all. The housewife was selling two glass balloons as a coffeemaker and the engineer was building his Napier Coffee Pot at the same time. It later turned into today’s tea-like cup of coffee or Siphon. It’s good for a medium fine or medium coarse grind.

Brewing Time:

10 minutes

Coffee Grind Type:

Medium-Coarse / Medium-Fine

What you’ll need:

Siphon set
Coffee (medium-course or medium-fine)

Easy steps to achieve Siphon:

Step 1 – Soak your filter in a warm water bath; do it for five minutes. Drop it in top component’s bottom. Make sure to hook it at the glass tubing. Note: Please make sure to clean first your materials.

Step 2 – Fill your bottom component with hot water. Place it on top of your heat source and allow components to be together. However, don’t press or fit them too hard.

Step 3 – Wait until water from bottom component transfers to the top component; slowly turn your heat source down to 185 – 200 degrees F or 85 – 93.33 degrees C.

Step 4 – Add coffee grounds into the top globe and stir it gently. For the second time, stir your grounds and remove it to your heat source. You can already enjoy your coffee after filtering!